Chosen Species: Horse

Step 1: Please select the SNP chip information desired:

Illumina Infinium EquineSNP50 BeadChip (54,602 SNPs)
GeneSeek EquineSNP65 BeadChip (65,157 SNPs)
Affymetrix Axiom EquineHD (670,796 SNPs)

Step 2: Type of information required:
(Commercial SNP ID and rs ID are
displayed by default)

Detailed SNP information
Across SNPchip Table

Step 3: Please select which information
you want to display:

Native platform (Source: producer)
EquCab2.0 (Source: dbSNP)

Chromosome and Position

ss information

Allele coding:
A/B forward alleles (Illumina Only)
A/B top alleles (Illumina Only)
A/B alleles (Affymetrix Only)

ALL chip(s) SNPs Only SNPs in common