New BOVINE GeneSeek-Neogen chip:

we have received news that there is a new BOVINE GeneSeek SNP chip on the market, the GP3 (Genomic Profiler version 3), with approx 26k SNPs on it (thank you Maurizio Marusi!). We have contacted GeneSeek-Neogen and they have already sent us the iManifest for the public SNPs (thank you Barry Simpson!). We will add this new chip to the SNPchimp  soon.


Malfunction of Download and Browse data download solved...partially:

During this week we experienced a few problems with the Download and Browse data download. We're sorry for the inconvenient. We have solved the problem with the Download section, which is now up an running 100% for all species. However, please be patient while our chimp-techs try to solve the problem on the Browse section. For now, until further notice, it is not possible to download the data queried only from the Browse section for any species (except by copying-pasting the data from the browser). We'll get back to you as soon as possible...


SNPchimp and Ensembl? Why not...

We've starting analysing the possibility to link our tool to other tools already available in Ensembl... not just links, but muuuuch more. Stay tuned. We might surprise you...again!

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