A beta version of the SNPchiMp capability of interrogating Ensembl’s BioMart data mining tool has been put in place in the BROWSE section. This option, so far, is available for the BOVINE species only. It will be extended to the other available species soon. Please note that this option is still limited to a fixed option that will search all genes in both forward and reverse strands +-100kb of the SNPs browsed. The SNPchimp will re-direct you to a “ready-to-run” BioMart web page with a set of default options. You can modify some of the options by clicking on: “Attributes” on the left-side of the page. You only have to click on RESULTS (top left, third option) on the BioMart web-page and… eureka! Use BioMart functionalities to download your data if you wish… More specifics will follow. In the meantime, you can read the manual of BioMart!

More functionalities and options will follow... stay tuned!

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