The Ensembl BioMart plugin is now back online for all species. Sorry for the inconveninet but it wasn't possible to fix this earlier. A few interventions will follow just to make BioMart experience nicer, but this work won't have any impact on the functionallity of the tool. 

Please note that we have included a new TOOLS menu where (for now) you can find a couple of tools useful for SNP chip users. We look forward for your feedback and contribution! If you have a tool that you want to share freely to the public, or if you have published tools that can help users get things done, do not hessitate to contact me at: ezequiel [dot] nicolazzi [at] tecnoparco [dot] org.

A big thank you to all contributors, partners and colleagues who gave me very good comments and ideas for further developments at WCGALP 2014! 

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