dbSNP builds updated in COW, PIG, SHEEP and GOAT

The SNPchiMp v.3 database is now updated to the latest builds for all species: COW (142), PIG, SHEEP and GOAT (143).


New SNP arrays available in COW and HORSE

In collaboration with Illumina and Affymetrix (thank you Cindy Lawley, Andrè Eggen, Ali Pirani & Stefano Capomaccio from UNICATT), we now include 2 new SNP arrays: the brand new Illumina Bovine LD v.2 with ~8k SNPs and the Affymetrix Axiom HorseHD ~670k.

WARNING: Please note that the annotation file in the Horse array is not yet annotated with rs IDs, thus there is currently no link (e.g. across-SNP array reference tables) between the Illumina/GeneSeek and the Affymetrix arrays. As soon as Affymetrix releases a new annotation file with such information, we'll update the database!

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