Our paper on this tool has been published today at BMC genomics. We thank Illumina, Affymetrix, Neogen-Coorp, Ensembl, Interbull, the IGGC and ISGC for their constant support and help in keeping this tool updated.

To all the people involved, directly and indirectly: THANK YOU! 

Nicolazzi E.L., Caprera A., Nazzicari N., Cozzi P., Strozzi F., Lawley C., Pirani A., Soans C., Brew F., Jorjani H., Evans G., Simpson B., Tosser-Klopp G., Brauning R., Williams J.L., Stella A. (2015). SNPchiMp v.3: integrating and standardizing single nucleotide polymorphism data for livestock species. BMC genomics, 16:283

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