SNPchimp News
News n.27 - News on COW and SHEEP databases + update on PIG soon
A new SNP array, the GeneSeek Genomic Profiler HD v2 (139,480 SNPs) is currently online (thankyou Barry Simpson @Neogen_GeneSeek!). We're sorry for the delay releasing this information, but we were expecting some clarifications about the allele coding of some SNPs. Since we were not successful in obtaining them, we're releasing this information with a warning, as users should be aware that 76 SNPs have a different forward allele coding from any other SNP array present in the market. It does not mean these info is not correct, but users should use this information carefully when merging multiple datasets (we advise you to use TOP or A/B coding).
An updated version of the Illumina iManifest was released recently (thankyou Brit Miller and Cindy Lawley @Illumina!), including the "OAR3.1 coordinates in the native SNParray". In addition, few small inconsistencies are solved now (thankyou Tiziana Sechi @Agris,Sardinia).
Thanks to the precious collaboration of Gary Roher @USDA-ARS, we're soon including +11k "MARC" SNPname - rsID matching, currently set at NULL. The data has been checked and is currently under assessment at USDA-ARS before final release. This closes the gap for this species!!! Stay tuned!