SNPchimp News
News n.28 - Important news on COW, PIG, HORSE and CHICKEN
Affymetrix BOS1 annotation file was updated to its latest version 35, which contains a substantial increase in the number of rsIDs crossreferenced. This means that across-platform tables are now much more dense. If you're using this chip and you're using SNPchimp utilities, you should download the latest version of the file contained in SNPchimp!
A major update was introduced today. Thanks to a bilateral collaboration with USDA (thankyou Gary Roher!!) more than 11k rsIDs - most of those with SNP ids that start with "MARC" - now have a link to its SNP id. There are still ~3k still to be double-checked, but this is a BIG step forward towards a complete rsID data in this species SNP arrays!
Current info in Chicken considers newly released dbSNP build 144. In addition, the Affymetrix chip was also updated to its latest version 35.
Current info in Horse considers newly released dbSNP build 144.